
Important Announcement and Good News! Today we received the approval from the Maine Mall management team of plans proposing an expansion of the size of the layout and the addition of real waterfalls and pond as part of Maine Garden Railway Society
2013 Train Display. Before we could ask the Board to consider details, we needed the Mall to approve the concept which we are happy to say was granted this morning. The next step is to bring this before the Board of Directors for their approval and a discussion of how best to proceed.
I liked the computer animation shown above. However, it shows the dangers of what the word "waterfall" can conjure up in your mind. We have to guard against disappointment when the mental image is compared to the result of what a garden pump can actually produce. Still, we have hopes of using last years riser design to model 3 impressive waterfalls. The total vertical drop should be around 4 and a half feet. Hopefully, we can combine them with Tiny's bridges from last year. The last waterfall closest to the children we hope to save for Thomas and James to run underneath it!
Much more to come on this, as we look forward to lots of fun and excitement to this years display!