Dennis Farrell
and Scott Gould are stepping out of their shared role of editing and producing
the Club’s Iron Horse Newsletter. So we are looking for a new editor to get news
about MGRS and G-Scale to all our members . Any interested members or
spouses should contact either Dennis at 839-4887 or Scott at 799-9799 to
discuss it. Dennis and Scott are willing to give guidance and support.
The Iron Horse is
published four times a year and sent to members via U.S. Mail. The editor finds
topics for each newsletter, and helps members prepare their own articles.
Information about club activities and other topics of interest is also
included. Each issue is made up of eight pages. This includes articles,
pictures, and space for the return address and label. The editor prepares the
final version of each issue. Issues are printed and assembled by a copy
store. The MGRS Secretary provides a set of mailing labels. The editor puts the
mailing labels on the copies and sends them out.
The issues
beginning in 2009 can be seen at