This story begins with the French "40 and 8" wooden boxcars, built to carry 40 men or 8 horses. They were well known to American veterans of WW I and WW II.
Maine Merci Train Car at Boothbay Railway Village
The 40 and 8 society for veterans was formed after World War I and was associated with the American Legion. More information can be found at
Last year at Togus I met a 99 year old veteran of WWII who remembered riding on them during his service in France as a tank driver. He also remembered growing up in Maine when they did not plow the roads between towns in the winter because everything came in by train.
The Friendship Train was the brainchild of columnist Drew
Pearson just after WWII. It send 270 freight car loads of donated supplies from
America to the children of France and Italy in 1947.
MTH issued several Friendship Train cars in 2011. The O-Scale versions are available on the internet under stock numbers 20-93522, 20-93523, 20-93524, and 20-92331.
The G-Scale version is New York Central and the link is MTH Club Members get a discount if they order and pay by phone