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Saturday, May 31, 2008


I finally got a chance to slow down and really look thru the website. I think that it's going very well. Chris

Friday, May 30, 2008

Visitor or Special Guest

For all the MGRS members family or friends that are not officially on the blog - this will allow you to sign in and post a blog.
Sign in as mgrsguest password is welcomeall
Please be sure to identify yourself as a courtesy to other blog viewers.
Click here to sign in

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Making tunnels

I need to create a tunnel to park a train in. From what I've read, one of the best techniques is to use a length of 12" i.d. plastic culvert. Trouble is the culvert evidently only comes in 20' lengths, at around $7.00 a running foot. I could get by with 6', since I will probably cut the culvert in half (lengthwise). Anyone know of a source for short lengths of culvert, or would one or two of you want to split the cost of a culvert?

Scott Gould

Monday, May 26, 2008

third loop under construction

Got the stone in before it started to rain

Thomas gets the honor

The littlest engine got to be the first to try out the new track and it worked fine! Just in time for Memorial Day. I have so much more to do that will keep me occupied for quite a while. But, I wanted to see a train run by Memorial Day and I was happy to get that far.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

A lot of you only 'look' now try a quick post yourself!

For all the MGRS members that only 'look' at the blog. If you would like to try out the blog and leave a new 'blog posting' yourself. Try it now. Sign in as mgrsmember password is toottoot
After you sign in you will see the page to write your post. Type in a Title. In the text box type in your blog message. It is like a little word processor, you can bold text and change it color, etc. When you are finished click on 'Publish' and you are done. Then go to view Blog and watch your new post appear on the Blog.
Click here to sign in

Saturday, May 24, 2008

I think what you are looking for is called electrical grease. LGB has tubes of it. Home Depot and Lowe's have some in their electrical departments.

I just received a shipment of miniature trees from Sky's Mini Forest in Oregon. There are some real interesting specimens. Some of the samples of ground cover are equally as nice. It is well worth checking her web site which was posted earlier.


I should know this, but I don't

I have asked this before and been told the answer. However, my ability to remember is apparently zero. Sooooo, What is the name of the stuff (greese that you put on rail joiners) that helps conduct electricity? I do remember that you can buy it at NAPA.
I bet that Ed, Ray, Barry and Ed, all frequent bloggers - know the answer. I feel left out, but then I have lived a sheltered (indoor layout) life. But, that is about to change!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Well Look at That

I came in to rest and do nothing for a while, and Gigi said "look the Fox is back". I don't think he is dangerous at least I hope not. He has discovered the seeds and cracked corn out back and has stopped by once a day when the coast is clear.
You might also notice the work going on in the garden pond area. Tomorrow, I am going to get some more track and will soon be finishing up a small loop to get me started with at least something outdoors! Even in a little layout, there is still a lot to do, but that is the fun of it! Credit goes to the Fryeburg show as it perked the interest of my wife. Although she said when are you going to put rocks around the 'waterfall' so it looks better? Oooops . . . an ongoing project that never ends. Good!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Area Maps

Carl asked me to make a map that can be highlighted or edited.

These images can be edited with 'Windows Paint' .

The smaller map has a detail circle that shows Carl's road.

To paste to another program, first click to enlarge. Then right click on the map and 'copy image' .

Monday, May 19, 2008

Flower Show

Friday and Sunday @ the Flower show


Having been asked about the non-track powered FRED. I thought a post of the Radio Shack item might be of help in finding the part needed to adapt to a non-powered unit. Mike

Welcome to Chris for joining the Blog!

Hi Chris, Thanks again for the extra effort you put in today to help out. It was great! And, it was great to meet you and I am very happy that you and Melissa are now all set up as official 'MGRS Bloggers'.
Hope you enjoy it and don't wait try it out.
Thanks again from all of us,

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Inside the Norland Farm

I thought this picture was so good, I had to post it.

Taken inside of Carl's model the detail is so realistic it is scary!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Thanks John

I'm finally on!

Expo three, the place to beeee!

Saturday day 2 Fryeburg Home & Garden Show. The place to be was certainly at MGRS train display. Excellent crowds of all ages enjoyed the sights and sounds of four trains running all the time. A very happy atmosphere with the opportunity to meet many interesting people.

A little Blog Fog

Greg Bossart (Rock n' Water's and MGRS) set up a device that created a cool looking 'fog' that hung over the river on the Fryeburg layout.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Miniature Trees

The name of the company in Oregon is Mini Forest by Sky. The website is www.miniforest.com and the telephone number is 503-632-3555.


For those that "Did Not Go" "We Want to Know"

Any reports on what day-1 was like at Fryeburg?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wildlife Day at Littleville Falls RR

We have a pair of Mallards that fly in every day. Now they are taking turns. There is a picture of the male. In the next picture if you look real close you might see a little orange in the pool. A few of the Goldfish have been put outside today. They have a couple of filters, a heater and a rock house to hide under. The turkey did not care, he was waiting for the duck to leave. Also, you may see a few pieces of track. I was thinking I might start out with a trolley or small engine loop along the edge of the wall and was measuring what track it would take.

Monday, May 12, 2008

American Train Hobo - (little history)

Moving ON (Click here)
Note - Use the <= Back Arrow to return to the blog

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Welcome Aboard Sir!

I am sorry I missed Tice Leonard today as he and his grandson went up to Fryeburg to help get the display ready. For you who did not know Lt Col Leonard is retired from the USAF and today he is joining the blog. I hope he enjoys it and if he needs any help I know Tim will find him the right answer.

Welcome Ron and Patricia

Hi Neighbors! Welcome to the blog! I hope you enjoy it and welcome to Maine Garden Railway Society.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Big Hello to Ivan & Gerry

What a pleasure today to meet the Smiths! They dropped by today to see progress and lend their moral support to the building project for Fryeburg Home & Garden Show. They are enthusiastic G scalers who also have ties to the Florida Garden Railroad Society. Very nice people from Buckfield Maine. Plus they are frequent blog readers. Ivan said he enjoys reading the blog, but he is not a 'commenter'. We hope that there are many others that enjoy checking progress about MGRS on the blog. Look forward to seeing you at the Fryeburg show and at other upcoming events.

Please vote on the blogger 'Pole'

Hello Fellow MGRS bloggers

I have added an 'Are you going to the Fryeburg Home & Garden Show' poll. It is at the bottom left hand side of the blog. Please 'vote' if you don't mind. I would like to see if everyone can vote that looks at the blog. I hope that you can, but I am asking you to help test it. You should only be allowed to vote once. See if you can trick it. If this works well, it may be useful in the future to ask our opinions on other things.
Thanks and remember to vote.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Maiden Run of new C-16 at SCGRR

This is another experiment to see if the videos come out. They are short clips (~20seconds) of SCGRR's newest aquisiton. An Aristocraft C-16 on it's Maiden run at SCGRR (Spruce Creek Garden Railroad)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

A little something for 'Frequent Bloggers'

If you are a 'frequent blogger' I have a limited amount of email slots that I can set up to alert you when some one has left a new comment or entered a new blog posting any where on the MGRS Blog.

The following blog id's are eligible: The Deeres, Ray Trainman, SCGRR, Pine State RR and the Station Master. You do not need to do anything to activate this. I will implement it automatically.
This is a little convenience for you to keep up with the blog and responses. Anyone else is eligible all you have to do is start to participate. Just looking at the blog and reading it does not qualify for this feature.

Thanks for being an active Blogger!

This is going to be good!

A large layout with Waterfall and pond. Three different levels of track. Plus what is expected to be a large turn out of attendance.
Go MGRS! Help out anyway that you can and plan to be there.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Are we ready for an 'Electronic' Billboard?

I really do not know. The images are sharp and clear, but the whole idea might be to 'jazzy'. The advantages are that it can run all day, and it will rotate pictures of each of our sponsors logos or any message we want to say.

Our daughter gave us a digital picture frame, and this is what I did to it! I didn't hurt it any, it just slides into the wood frame. For now it is an option that we can think about....

Sighting in North Yarmouth

.........If you are an 'Unidentified Friendly Observer' of the blog, then get your fingers moving and leave a comment!

Or even better, Make your own post to the blog. First one to correctly identify this photo taken last night and without any photographic trickery wins the 'Observer' of the Month Award!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

SCGRR up-date, 5/1/2008

After the Wayward Hostas were re-planted elsewhere the start of a farm and of a mini village have been added. The buildings in the mini village are kits from SPJRR. They are a little light and may not hold up to the weather. We'll have to wait and see. They are all made of "Western Red Cedar". The little patches of yellow/green are "Scotch Moss".
A look from the Northeastern end of the layout with Dwarf Narcissus added.

A view form the Northeastern end of the layout, but on the western side, looking back at the farm to be.

Progress will be a little slower now.

Easy Stop and Go

============ It is nice to be able to cut power to a single point on your layout. An insulated block is an easy way to do just that. The insulated section should be about three track sections (36 in) long. Use plastic rail joiners to isolate just one side of the track. Wire a switch to pick up track power outside of the block and direct it into the block to provide power to the track and the Green light, or to only power the Red light and stop the train. The middle post of the Signal is the 'common' post and is connected to the opposite rail.