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Thursday, May 1, 2008

SCGRR up-date, 5/1/2008

After the Wayward Hostas were re-planted elsewhere the start of a farm and of a mini village have been added. The buildings in the mini village are kits from SPJRR. They are a little light and may not hold up to the weather. We'll have to wait and see. They are all made of "Western Red Cedar". The little patches of yellow/green are "Scotch Moss".
A look from the Northeastern end of the layout with Dwarf Narcissus added.

A view form the Northeastern end of the layout, but on the western side, looking back at the farm to be.

Progress will be a little slower now.


Station Master said...

Really looking Good! You have made a lot of progress in a short time. It's only May 1st and should be a great year for SCGRR.

The Deere's said...

Your line is progressing nicely. The enhancement of your smaller track side buildings really helps to fill in and add reasons for your road. In one of your earlier postings you mentioned some of these buildings were scratched built. I think these are the ones that really define you and your line. We also purchased inexpensive lighter buildings when we first started. Some we still have and use. And some are long gone. Even a broken old building can be used as a rundown abandoned place. So what if a building is light duty and only last a season or two. The best part of this hobby is thinking and planning new and different things for your railroad. Keep going it is looking great. And keep us posted
Mr. Deere
By the way I love the little outhouse beside the log house on the hill.