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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

A Really Big Thank You

I admire and appreciate the tremendous effort it took to coordinate the Annual Meeting.  All those chairs, cold bottles of water, cold drinks, all the work of preparing all that delicious food plus the desserts.  And people really eat there too!  I mean dig in and eat!!   Thanks to all the people that put up signs, set up the parking lot, got all the Golf Carts ready and drove people all around and help move things.  Thanks to those tremendous displays that members set up, all the work of running the Auction.  Running the Welcome table with Sign ups, Appreciations pins, Rafael Tickets.  All the work to get Door Prizes.  Run Trains, Plus take people on Trail Rides.  Keep everything going and then clean it all up.

I can say thank you because I didn't do any of those things.  I just went and had a great time and truly appreciate the result of all your effort.  Thank you members and thank you Carl and Pat.

That is why we have a great Club. It is the best I have ever been in. The main reason is that we all take turns doing something when we can and that attitude combines to  produce some amazing results!

See slideshow on Website Home Page

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