My previous post talked about two trains controlling one another using a Track Activation Device (TAD) that has been around for years. In fact my open house in 2010 featured one. I had basically one large loop that two trains followed each other around on. One train came to an isolated section and stopped. The other train ran until it crossed over a TAD, where the weight of the passing train touches contacts together to send power to start up the waiting train. Basically, that is all it takes. Now both trains are running and they take turns being the first to reach the isolated stop area where they wait until the trailing train automatically restarts them. The process will keep repeating and can start and stop interactively without any problem.
My loop ran from inside the basement where it traveled around a curved trestle and waterfall back out through a window into the garden. There it made a double loop around the garden before crossing back over itself and heading back inside. I called the crossing "Yarmouth Junction" and modeled it with working signal lights and a little signal shed. That is where I put the isolated track section where the train would automatically stop. The trailing train would start it up as it drove over the TAD just before it came out the window. Then the two trains appeared to be racing side by side around the layout headed back toward the Junction. The trains looked very close together but they were actually on the same loop separated by 30 or 40 feet of linear track!
They took turns stopping at "the Junction" and alternating the right of way with one another. I called it "Trains controlling trains" in an old video I made at the time. Please take a look back at 2010:
It shows how a simple $5 dollar gadget can be used to create a much more complex looking layout.
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