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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Maine Garden Railway Society Annual Outing Held on Saturday, July 25, 2015

We had a fine time at  our annual outing this past Saturday at the Overlook Garden Railway in Buxton, hosted by Carl and Pat Churchill. It was cloudy in the morning, and the sun came out around mid-afternoon.

On arrival you saw some well-known helpers at the gate
-Mac MacMillan for parking and moving things in
-Terry Norton for check-in, voting, and door prize tickets
-Art Handman selling raffle tickets for the very nice railroad quilt made by Sue Hoffman
-Ernie Packard selling tickets for the 50/50 raffle

Entering the Annual Outing

Then you could move on to coffee,  talk "garden railway" with friends, check out the auction items, and take a look at Norman Waycott's circus display. He has some new 2 'x 2' modules this year, and we may have as many as 14 at this year's Holiday Train Display.

looks a lot like Entering the Circus

Lunch started coming out to the coolers, and the call was made to line up. We had the usual excellent meal with lots of choices and  additional courses announced as they arrived. Thanks to Pat Churchill  Sue Norton, Sue Hoffman,  Donna Latino Ellie Garth, Heidi Mills,  Robin Goodrich and others who helped and brought food for this potluck.
Then it was Auction Time! The semi-famous comedy auction team of Terry Norton and Frank Howard took us through bidding and laughing about the items and the crowd. They were ably assisted by designated hecklers Donna and Bob Latino. During the auction there were drawings for the Door Prize, Railroad Quilt and 50/50 Raffle. Those tickets were drawn by Deidre Libby. A secondary  market for some items, notably metal signs, developed during the auction. The auctioneers also bid on items they were trying to sell, and some starting bids were less than what the auctioneers were asking. Just another part of the fun! Thanks to  Mary Garland who recorded the bid number of each auction item winner

Terry Selling a Small House

Frank Talking Up the Price on a Grab Bag

Raffle Winners
-Door Prizes John Sharp, Art Handman, John Middleton, Phil Lentz
-Railroad Quilt: Phil Sypek
-50/50 Raffle: Art Handman

Desserts were offered just before and during the auction. The crowd of MGRS members could not fully conquer the endless dessert table. Maybe we should auction the desserts next year!!

A brief Business Meeting was held after the Auction.
1. In this morning's balloting, officers and directors were re-elected with one exception.  Tiny Lee has chosen to leave the board of directors, and Norman Waycott has replaced him.
2. Jeff Jacobs spoke briefly about the Maine Layout Tour coming up on September 19-20. Scott Gould is participating.  More information has been posted on the blog.

After adjourning the business meeting, it was time for the auction winners to line up and pay up for their winnings, and for everyone to say goodbye and head for home. Some cars had trouble fitting the riders back in around all that auction loot....

August 15 Bagley Mountain Open House Updated

Paul has provided more details along with pictures and video.  The updated post can be seen by clicking on

Bagley Mountain Open House Details

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Maine Model Railroad Tour on September 19-20, 2015 - Information Poster

Here is the information "poster" for the tours scheduled for September 19-20.

Those wishing to learn more details of the layouts available and to get a free "ticket to ride" on the tour need to "register" when they visit the web site, 

And those who don't have a computer, or experience difficulty with the site, should call Jeff Jacobs (729-2252) or Peter McKenney (776-2033) directly.

Maine Layout Tours Poster

August 15th Open House at the Bagley Mountain Division of MCR in Lincoln, ME

Paul and Brenda Smith invite members to their Open House on Saturday, August 15th. Their garden railway is located at 54 Bagley Mountain Road in Lincoln, ME 04457. They can be reached at (207)-794-6638.

Here is more information from Paul. The Open House will start at 10am

 I'll be providing burgers, hot dogs, and sodas. If anyone would like to bring a side dish or desert, that would be welcome. I'm opening the event to the local public. I usually get a few people that show up that don't stay for food

If we have a rainy day, I'll move it to the 16th. Either way, I'll plan to be here both days to run the train if anyone stops by. Folks can call the day before to check on the local weather if they want (794 6638).

Here are a couple of pictures of the layout and a link to a video

Bagley Mountain Division Video

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Remember the 25th for the Annual Meeting, pot luck meal and auction.
Call Carl if you want to volunteer to help with setup on the 23rd or 24th.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Webster's to hold their largest the largest model train, model airplane and collectible toys auction in 35 years on July 19 and 26

This auction is for lifetime collection of model trains from the Robert Kiefer Estate. I There will be thousands of trains, model airplanes and toys to sell.

This auction has some amazing items. Some of them can be seen at

The pictures are a mix of O-Scale and Tin Plate with some G-scale mixed in. The listing says that a Catalog will be posted soon for the trains, collectible toys and airplanes.

Webster's Auction Palace is located in Houston, Texas

The site auctionzip.com offers online bidding on this auction at

Here is a link to the help on the Auction.Zip web site.

The Webster's Auction site does not mention Auction.zip as a way to bid, If you do want to bid online, please contact Webster's Auctions at  http://webstersauction.com/contact-us/  first to confirm bidding via Auction Zip. You can contact Webster's Auction at http://webstersauction.com/contact-us/


Wednesday, July 8, 2015

29th Annual Granite State Antique Truck Show on August 23 in Epping, NH

The  Granite State Chapter of the Antique Truck Club of America is holding their 29th Annual Show at the Star Speedway, 176 Exeter Rod, Epping New Hampshire 03042,. Details can be seen at Granite State 29th Annual ATCA Show, or you can contact Don Smith at: 603-664-9761

Or you can visit their web site at ATCA Web Site

Inn at the Village Rescheduled to Friday, July 11

The Inn at the Village will now visit the Overlook Garden Railway on Friday, July 11. This is a change from July 8th.

New Jersy Hi-Railers at Silk City Station

This layout is 185' long by 30' wide. It is featured in the July Train Collectors Quarterly. Pictures can be seen NJ Hi-Railers at Silk City Station Photos

The photos are grouped into slide shows which you can click on to view that group of photos.

This layout is in a 3rd floor room 250' long by 50' wide with unobstructed views. It combines their original layout run at the Dover Train show with others purchased over the years.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Celebrating America's 239th Birthday on Saturday, July 4th 2015

In keeping with a blog tradition, this post is about celebrating 239th America's birthday.

We always have patriotic music. So here, courtesy of Virginia Jackson, is a rare video of Elvis singing "America".

Elvis Singing America

There is also a long set of patriotic songs on Youtube

Patriotic Song Set on Youtube

Maine has a LOT of 4th of July celebrations. You can find them at

4th of July events in Maine

On the same page is a searchable list of the 85 fireworks displays in in Maine
If you erase the City name with the Backspace key and change the  County to ALL, all of them will be displayed at once

Maine Fireworks Displays

July Model Train Shows and Events

6    Gorham House visits the Overlook Garden 
Railway, 82 Carll Road,  Buxton, 11 am start

 8    Inn at the Village  visits the Overlook Garden 
Railway, 82 Carll Road, Buxton, 11 am start 

14-18  Worldwide Circus Summit, Eastern States Exposition, 
1305 Memorial Ave (Route 147), West Springfield, MA 01089. This event involves
 the entire circus    community,  including our circus modellers. For details please                               visit http://worldwidecircusummit2015.com/

17-19  Day Out with Thomas -Celebration Tour 2015 Part 1, Conway Scenic 
Railroad, 38  Norcross Circle, North Conway, NH 03860. Ride with Thomas, 
meet Sir Topham Hatt, welcome Percy, and much more. Please visit 
conwayscenic.com. For tickets visit  www.ticketweb.com/dowt or 
call 866-468-7630

19-25 Lionel Collectors Club of America (LCCA) 45th National Convention, 
Doubletree North Shore Hotel, 45 Ferncroft Rd, Danvers, MA 01923
For details please  visit 

24-26 20th Annual Eliot Antique Tractor and Engine Show, Maine Antique 
Power Association, Raitt Homestead Farm, Eliot, ME for details please visit http://maineantiquepower.org

24-26  Day Out with Thomas -Celebration Tour 2015 Part 2, Conway Scenic
 Railroad, 38  Norcross Circle, North Conway, NH 03860. Ride with Thomas, 
meet Sir Topham Hatt,  welcome Percy, and much more. Please visit 
conwayscenic.com. For tickets visit  www.ticketweb.com/dowt o
call 866-468-7630

25  10am, MGRS Annual Meeting, Auction & Open House, 
Carl & Pat  Churchill's Overlook Garden Railway,  
82 Carll Rd, Buxton, ME ----------------O--