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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Concept Bridge

     I  love to spend time drawing out thoughts about how something could work.  Most of the stuff I never actually build, but it's a lot of fun to think about.  In the past I have suggested a drawbridge, one that was large enough to walk through plus it would have to cut off the power on either side while the bridge was up. Of course I was thinking about the Mall layout.  The bridge would provide access to our control area within the layout.  The one in the drawing is 3 feet long and is open on the top to provide easy access to the track.  The bridge is wide enough for our double main line.   It has it own support legs that fit under the lip of the Mall platform.  They would be secured by screws to hold in place and used to align the bridge when lowered.

   Power would feed to a bridge support and be wired to a small metal bracket.  Another metal bracket on the lip of the bridge would make contact with it when the bridge was lowered and complete the circuit.
You would place a track insulator (plastic rail joiner) as far back on either side of the bridge as you wanted to control.   Maybe ten feet in each direction.  When you raised the bridge, the electrical contact would be broken and the power shut off to the control area. The hinges could be used to conduct power across the gap in the rails.   Or one nice piano hinge by itself and loop the connecting wires under the bridge.

 The fun of a concept drawing is that it lets you visualize your ideas without building anything and it helps you think of better ways to do something.  Plus in my case it provides lots of entertainment.  One of the nice features of our hobby is simply thinking about things that we might do some day.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

No wrong way

The best thing about garden railroads is there are many ways to build it.  If you like it, it is the right way.  Here is a picture of one that uses concrete to make roadbed that changes elevation.


Monday, May 28, 2012

Small Town Celebration

Typical of towns across the Nation.  Please click here to see Falmouth High School Band play "Stars and Stripes Forever"
From 2012 Memorial Day Parade.
MGRS joins many others in paying tribute to all who served in the United States Military.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

A Memorial Day message from Santa

As you know Santa does have a special place in his heart for our veterans.  MGRS received this email and wishes to share it:  

To Carl and to all . . . .  A peaceful Memorial Day.

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!  
Saying a prayer for all our Men and Women in Uniform.
"Celebrate America" will be taping in New Orleans this year!  I want to leave you with this video to honor our Veterans. 
Here is a nice video I put together for hospitalized children, I hope you enjoy.

May God Bless You,
Tim Janis

Thank you, Forwarded to us by Dave and Valerie Chnupa 

Saturday, May 26, 2012

The un-official start of Summer

  Happy Memorial Day Weekend to all.  Many of us feel it is the start of the Summer season.  Maybe even a summer to do some traveling, who knows.  Here is a video ad by America by Rail - The best way to see America.  Yes, it is an advertisement and No, I am not promoting it, just found it on You-Tube but I could relate to it.    Click here to view:

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Aristo-Craft Newsletter

Here is a link to Aristo-Craft Newsletter (Advertisement) .  If interested Click here:

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Downeaster in Freeport

Nice picture from the Forcaster of the Downeaster in Freeport Maine for recent cermonies.

Click here for a summary of all the stations on the Downeaster schedule.  You can then check out the stop(s) that interest you.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Coming up on June 8th

Gorham Youth Group will be visiting MGRS at Carl's on Friday June 8th.  This will be a good chance to help out Carl if you can. Please call him for more info.  Thank you.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Amtrak's Train Ceremonies.

Videos from yesterdays ceremonies of arrival of Downeaster in Brunswick.
Clip-1       and   Clip-2

This is an older video, but it gives you an idea of what the 40th year anniversary train was like.  Please Click here:

Monday, May 14, 2012

Amtrak Dedication Ceremony - Today

click to view larger copy

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Saturday, May 12, 2012

PIKO - Now at Carl's

Stopped by Carl's to get some SplitJaws and I noticed how he is really getting into PIKO.  Snapped a picture of a new Amtrak.

Want to Save some Money $$

First of all, Happy Train Day to everyone.  I do not usually post non train related material, but this is something we all (or a relative) can benefit from.   Thanks go to my wife for finding this:  Please click here:

Note:  Our own Mark Stephens  'The Brewster Inn' also offers a 10 percent discount to MGRS members.  (The only exception is the Strawberry Room).

Friday, May 11, 2012

Hudson for Sale

For sale, hudson steam engine,  battery powered,  air wire g2,  phoenix p8 sound, $1,000.
Going to sell my Hudson.....the one I ran at the Milford show. $1000....
Thanks,  Larry lvmosher@gmail.com
Source: Denneth Lee NHGRS

Hobo R.R. Celebrates National Train Day

Hobo Railroad Celebrates National Train Day
May 12, 2012

On May 10, 1869, in Promontory Summit, Utah, the last spike of the transcontinental railroad was driven into the ground that joined 1,776 miles of the Central Pacific and Union Pacific railways. This Golden Spike represented the beginning of more than 100 years of railroading and forever transforming the face and character of America.

You are cordially invited to join New Hampshire Department of Transportation Commissioner Chris Clement, District One Executive Councilor Ray Burton and others at a ceremony in recognition of "National Train Day" on Saturday, May 12, 2012 at the Hobo Railroad, 64 Railroad Street, Lincoln, NH.

Festivities begin at 10:30 AM with coffee and treats. At 11:00 AM, listen to the following speakers discuss the past, present, and future of railroading in New Hampshire:

Benjamin Clark, Owner of the Hobo Railroad
Chris Clement, Commissioner, NH Department of Transportation
Peter Thompson, Coordinator, NH Highway Safety Agency
Thomas Mahon, Chair, NH Rail Transit Authority
Edward Foley, General Manager, St. Lawrence & Atlantic Railroad

There will also be tours of the state-owned Historical Train, "Flying Yankee" to follow. Please join us to celebrate National Train Day 2012.

Source: Denneth Lee NHGRS

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Cotton Valley Rail Trail Club Speeders on Parade

What a beautiful way to spend a Saturday!   Take a look as members of the CVRT travel up to the Notch and return as they enjoy the sights of a beautiful Spring day!  Enjoy this nice long video of the trip.  You will also recognize our member Tiny Lee at several of the busy crossings.  Great video, thank you for making it CVRT.  To view please click here:

Monday, May 7, 2012

Good day to make some progress.

  I expect many of us are getting out and doing some things around the house or the yard or the railroad.  It is that time of year.  I love little projects.  My wife is great, she finds these little things for me to fix.  Things like the side door to the garage would not stay closed, or the handle on the toilet came off.  She was so excited when I changed the porch light fixture,  Ahhh, what a women!
  Today, I re-ballast and leveled up my track.  That made a big improvement.  The plants are growing well, the grass is getting mowed.  It feels great to get out there and make a little progress.  I hope you are doing the same. Enjoy!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Maine Narrow Gauge Museum - update

Here are some links to the story updating the move of the Maine Narrow Gauge Museum from Portland to Gray.

Maine Narrow Gauge Railroad Co. & Museum, the organization is ready to begin raising money for the move.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Thank you Scott and Thank you Art

Scott Gould has done a great job as Editor of the Newsletter the Iron Horse.  Time seems to go by quickly but it is nearly three years ago that he published his first issue.  His writing skills and sense of humor and general knowledge has served him well as editor and we thank him so much for all the hard work that he has done.

As you know Scott requested that after years of service he would like to hand over the reins to someone new, and we were very fortunate to have a member like Art Handman step forward and accept the position.

 We congratulate Art and also thank him very much.  It is a very challenging job and we wish Art great success as he develops his own style and brings his own experience to the pages of the Iron Horse.

Thank you both, you are fine examples of some of the best that help make MGRS the great organization that it is.  Thank you!