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Sunday, April 29, 2012

New Crossing Signals

These are on Greely Road in Cumberland.  We go past these almost every day.  I have hoped to see a train come by, but I have not timed it right.  They will be used when the Downeaster travels from Portland to Brunswick.  The route goes through Yarmouth Junction up to Freeport where there will be a new station.  The track has new rail and ballast and looks like it is ready to use.
Anyway what is different about these signals is that they also have a light for the trains as well as the traffic.  I am waiting to see what color the light for the train will be. I am not sure how the signal will work.  Also it looks like there is a place to put on a crossing gate arm.  If you know what it will be like, please leave a comment.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Yeah Sunshine

  The flowers are a little battered but they are happy to see the sunshine!  So was I.  As I was waiting my turn at Busters Barber Shop this morning, I read that we had only .3 that's  point three inches of rain all of April until the over 4 inches yesterday!  That is a lot, hope everyone recovers well and trains are running soon.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Rain, rain, rain

   This is only a picture of "What it Feels Like"   But, Wow to hear the rain pounding on the skylight and see the water rising in the pond!  I hope it stays out of the basement.  I am sure a lot of others feel the same.  Hope you can stay dry.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Update on Downeaster Expansion Project

  For a summary of Downeaster Amtrak Expansion Project,  including history, goals, and progress to date:    Click here:

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Congratulations Dick Cosgrove

I heard some good news.  Dick has just completed a long successful back surgery operation.  He is now home and he called Carl and said he was feeling great!   Nice going Dick.  We are all very glad to here that.  Take it easy and enjoy your recovery.


Tiny's Travels

  Denneth 'Tiny" Lee pointed me to some pictures he has taken which are posted on the NHGRS Web Site.
I thought these were all very good and we want to share with our MGRS members.
Please enjoy three different locations,

Thank you Tiny, you took some excellent pictures!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

59th Annual Kora Shrine Circus

  click once
   The 59th Annual Kora Shrine Circus was at the Civic Center today.  I was lucky enough to go along with my daughter and two grandsons!  We all enjoyed it.  So when I got home, I had to draw up a new Circus Billboard Car with the same acts that we saw today.  Thank you Shriners and Thank you Circus Performers,  it was a lot of fun.

What if

What if we made a spiral by changing the radius of the track each time we went around?  That way you could "fill in" the space and make a mountain, actually it looks more like a Volcano! Kind of like the old Science Fair project. 

Just having fun!  Great day to get out and get the trains running!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Double Helix

We have a lot of talent in the club. At the Sanford show, Ralph Luby and Dick Rubin displayed a double helix track that took a train from table level to a higher elevation and then back again.
The pictures do not do justice to the engineering involved. Great job all around.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My latest train

  I switched the wheels to metal and I really enjoy my new passenger train which has been added to my layout.  Thank you Scott for pointing me to the web site.  I could not afford to spend enough to buy 4 new LGB coaches at catalog prices.  But these are great, I really like them.  Click here for quick video:
Link to Hammond Toys

Monday, April 9, 2012

Upcoming Shows

REMEMBER: Sanford Show 4/14 and Topsham Show 4/28

Something New!

   When Carl went to the East Coast Large Scale Train Show this year with Terry, Andy and Norm they must have been a good influence on him because one of the items he brought back to use at the next Maine Mall display is an operating Gondala/Chair Lift.   I cannot understand German but the pictures will say a lot by themselves.  Carl  found this video!  And he told me about it, so I was pretty impressed.  To get an idea of its (expanded) capabilities, please take a look. Click here to watch video:

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Everybody loves a good deal!

At the end of his presentation Scott Gould told the members at the Spring Luncheon that he and Jim Jenkins bought the train set he used in his demo for only $100 dollars!  We saw Jim a couple weeks ago at Owls Head Museum and he was very excited and  pleased at how well it ran.  Now, I am talking about a battery powered train which includes a transmitter, charger, battery, plastic track,  engine and two coaches.  I think it was $15 for shipping.  After we got back home Scott sent me the web site address and I thought I found another great deal!  It was the four coaches pictured above for $79.99  
(The C-16 engine was mine).  Shipping was about $18, the total was under 100 dollars and I received them yesterday by UPS.  I think they are very nice!   Personally, I do not have good luck with plastic wheels and I plan to replace them all.  But, we are all happy with our purchases and want to publish the web site if you are also interested.  They look like LGB cars but they do not have the true quality of LGB.  But considering the price, I think they are a good deal.  Here is the web site:     http://www.hammondtoy.com/shop/agora.cgi?product=NEWQIDA%20TOYS%20FACTORY