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Monday, March 9, 2009

Dot's Place a Maine Cape Farmhouse

My latest project is another house that I call Dot's Place...for my Sister-in-law who owns the place where this house stood. It is based on old photos of the house by the Kennebec River, here in Phippsburg. It was probably colonial vintage and was a farm house. The barn stood near where Dot's house now stands. One photo shows the family posing in front probably in the 1880's another shows it abandoned, probably in the 1920's. I had to make up the "L" an pourch as they did not show on the photos.

I molded the windows using a silicone mold and Urethane resin. they came out OK but I do have trouble getting all the mullions to fill properly. many windows have patches but they do not show too much.

I havn't seen the ground since Christmas, so I am not exactly sure where to put my new buildings. I am excited to find them spots and give them some plantings.


SCGRR said...

Once again Eric, a fine looking building. Nice Job.

Anonymous said...

Yes indeed, another great job.
Looking forward to seeing them all in person.

The Deere's said...

Great job Eric!
The time you put into your projects and the detail is wonderful. Love the people you have made as well. The siding does not look like clapboards. Is it my computer but, it looks like you dado out shallow groves for the siding?

Eric in Phippsburg said...

the siding IS made using a Dado head on my tablesaw. I set the blade at a couple of degrees and take a little cut with the corner of the blade. I re-set the fence and repeat the process untill I have put clapboard "siding" texture on all the plywood surface. looks pretty good and is relatively "quick and easy"