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Saturday, November 7, 2009

This Date in History - November 7th

Construction of Canadian Pacific Railway Completed (1885)
The Canadian Pacific Railway was originally built between eastern Canada and British Columbia, fulfilling a promise made to British Columbia when it agreed to join the Canadian Confederation in 1871. The railway's transcontinental passenger (click on above logo) service was instrumental in the settlement and development of Western Canada. Today, it also includes US hubs, such as New York, but its primary passenger service was dropped in 1986. Why was the image of a beaver chosen for the railway's logo?


sgould said...

Hmmm? Was it the same reason Utah might have chosen a beehive, as in "busy as a bee" or "busy as a beaver?"

Station Master said...

This actually came from 'Station Stop' under the 'This date in History' If you clicked on the CPR Logo it said the the beaver was chosen as the railway's logo because it is one of the national symbols of Canada and represents the hardworking character of the company.