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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Tiny gets help from Lou, Carl, Mac, Walter and John

OK, maybe it was not a fancy Club Car from  "the good olde days" with plush leather chairs,  but we were just as happy as we had a great time on our own trip down memory lane as we enjoyed each others company and stories today at the Mall.  Driving conditions were bad but that did not deter any of the guys who showed up to replace Rich "just in case".  It turned out we had 6 people in there to run 5 trains!  Actually we had 7, remember to count Cole (Lou's grandson).  We all stayed most of the day and kept Tiny company as we enjoyed our new found "Club House at the Mall".  It was a very good day and time well spent  together reminiscing, learning and joking about our adventures of the past as we enjoyed the trains which were running great today and a large crowd was lined up around our layout.  I had a camera problem so no pictures, but we did have a large enthusiastic crowd.  I heard Santa Photo sales were up 30 percent from last year.  I do know one thing for sure the people are in a much better mood when they get to Santa because the waiting line goes right around our display.

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