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Friday, September 2, 2011

Trestle Towers and Roadbed for the Mall

  Ralph Luby is an exceptional person.  He brought in a small sample of the approximately 1 foot (12.75inch) "Low Trestle" and the 2 foot (25.50inch) "High Trestle" line that he is working on for this years Mall display.  Complete with roadbed with beveled sides!  Wow, this will be very sturdy!  Ralph has made bases which are not attached yet.  (Some are shown sitting on top of the track in the picture above).   Ralph is planning to dip the trestles in stain, perhaps a brown or gray color.  What ever he decides will look good.  It is a lot of work and he has done a great job!  I believe he has made about 30 of each size!  Setup will be in the first part of  November and this year's display will be bigger, better and more exciting then even last year! 

1 comment:

sgould said...

I saw some of Ralph's trestles yesterday, and they beautiful and very cleverly conceived. Nice work, Ralph.