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Monday, September 10, 2018

MGRS Special Event at the Westbrook Festival of Trees

Paul Corbett and MGRS have provided a small operating train display at the Westbrook Festival of Trees for a number of years. The trains run when the Festival is open to the public. And each of the kindergarten classes in the Westbrook Schools comes to the Festival to see the trees, visit the trains, and have StoryTime.

This year setup is on the morning of November 25, and the Festival runs from December 1-8.
If you can help with setup or running trains for visitors, please contact Sam Carr (secarr1@comcast.net)

Here is a picture from the 2017 Festival. The layout is in separate room, so we turn the lights out when we start the trains. This allows the visitors to see the lights on the trains, buildings and holiday decorations.

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