PS: It's still a little too early to plant them, (Hopefully by mid May the threat for harming frost will be gone.)
These will give you some idea of their plants.
This one is Called "Mouse Ears"
We are G-Scale model railroad club, and our trains run outdoors in the garden. Our best known activity is the annual Holiday Train Display...
Hosta are great plants, we love them. Dwarf is a good idea as large ones can overpower your layout. I had a layout in NH where the train looked like it was going through a jungle.
These miniatures look great. Maybe they will escape notice by the deer, who seem to thrive on the full-size hostas near my railroad.
I am hoping they will. So far so good. I also use a product called "Deer Off" which seems to help, so far. It's a liquid that you spray on the plants and evidently smells bad and tastes bad to the deer and rabbits and squirrels.
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