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Monday, July 6, 2009

SCGRR's Newest acquisitons,USA Trains B&M F3 with Aristocraft Revolution Control

Here is a short video, not very clear in some places, of my latest acquisitons. The Engine is USA Trains F3 and I have installed an on-board 21.5v Lio battery along with Aristocrafts new "Revolution" Control system. I have also installed a "Dallee" sound board. That will be up-graded at a later date.


John said...

The engine and the whole train looks good and it sounds great! Excellent job on the electronics. I cannot comment much because I have never done anything like that but it sounds tricky. Impressive.

SCGRR said...

Thanks to some help from others on Aristocrafts Web site, I was able to install the receiver OK. I don't profess to know everything there is to know about these type installations, but I'm not adverse to asking for help either!

Thanks for the comments.