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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Saturday at the Mall with Mike, Lucy, Brandon, Barry, Buckie, John. Scott, Betty and Hunk

      Changing over the shifts from the AM to the PM Train Crews.

Calling  in the reserves troops.
Hunk & Betty come in to help Scott.
After 10 hrs on Black Friday Barry and Buckie came back in to help
Mike, Lucy and Brandon get started on Saturday morning.

Brandon was a big help and as far as running trains go, I think we all have as much fun as any of  the youngsters do,  Who knows, maybe even more!

Thanks again to Buckie and Barry as they made a a special trip down from Athens and stayed overnight just to help out running trains.  And that they did, about 15 hours straight over two days!  Awesome!  They did a great job and I know they enjoyed it too.   Have a safe trip down to Florida and enjoy the winter!  We look forward to seeing you next year. 

Mike and Lucy and Brandon also had a fun day at the Mall.  Talking to the people is as much fun as running the trains.  And running trains on our layout is a lot of fun.  There is plenty of action and mixing in the novelty trains especially "Thomas on request" will keep you occupied as the time flies by!   This morning as I came in late, A couple was telling how they had been in yesterday and today they had driven and hour and  a half to come back because their son had liked it so much they wanted to see it again!

It has been an amazing success and there is only one reason why.  The members have gotten behind it and all pitched in to help.  Plus,  remember the Maine Mall has pledged to contribute one thousand five hundred dollars to our organization as a charitable donation.  That is in addition to all the work they have done to build and decorate the stage.  The environment is fantastic, warm, pleasant, happy and filled with enthusiastic and appreciative people who are enjoying watching trains run and learning more about them and MGRS.

1 comment:

John said...

Thank you, Hope you come to an Open House. Sign up to get an email invite!